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This blog is a space for sharing news about OPSWISE with everyone who is interested. We will be blogging about the study as it develops, sharing information and providing links to useful resources. We welcome any comments that you may have. If you are interested in finding out more about the OPSWISE study, visit us at

Study aims

We will address the following review question and aims.

How can workforce development interventions improve the skills and care standards of clinical support workers within older people’s health services?

We will:

  1. Identify support worker development interventions from different public services and to synthesise evidence of impact.
  2. Identify the mechanisms through which these interventions deliver support workforce and organisational improvements to benefit the care of older people.
  3. Investigate the contextual characteristics that mediate the potential impact of these mechanisms on clinical care standards for older people.
  4. Develop an explanatory framework that synthesises review findings of relevance to services delivering care to older people.
  5. Recommend improvements for the design and implementation of workforce development interventions for clinical support workers.

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